Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I understand...

I understand......

But does that mean that I can accept? I do not know...

I guess sometimes it just doesnt matter anymore. I cant differentiate..just let it be...isn't it better?

I m just a mere being, a mere being with emotions too, though most of the time, I try to use my mind and think of the big picture and for everyone's good.

I guess the more I hide, the more I reveal that I am just not so understanding afterall.

In short, I m just a wilful kid, who wants things to go her way.

1 comment:

Still Water said...

Understanding and accepting things are 2 different things. The day where you are able to understand and accept at the same time is the day where you are one step closer to true happiness.

So don't be too hard on yourself. Understanding and not accepting is a normal for a normal person. You said it before, you are just a human being and not a saint.

Take care.